Polymesse 2015 - one of the biggest recruiting events of Switzerland

The Polymesse will take place in the ETH Zurich main building from 21 to 23 April 2015. Many companies will also introduce themselves in “Polyvortr?ge” before and throughout the fair.

Enlarged view: Polymesse in the ETH Zurich main building. (Photo: Polymesse)
Company representatives and students get together in the main building. (Photo: Polymesse)

Many students are about to graduate – and may find themselves wondering what their next step should be. As one of the biggest recruiting events of Switzerland, the external pagePolymesse presents an excellent opportunity for them to check out different possibilities.

The three-day event brings 134 companies to the ETH main building, where they can introduce themselves to graduating and current students. Visitors can find out more about their professional options and network with representatives of potential employers.

Find out more in the fair guide, which will be available in the main building and other ETH buildings before the event.

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